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Post by skitzofranic steve Wed Jul 30, 2008 4:07 pm

way back in middle school steve and theram were really good friends, they used to practive wrestling moves they'd see on tv. mastering hold after hold theyd become somewhat of a school mascot. They's perform there moves infornt of anyone who would watch, dazzleing students and teachers alike.
One day some boys in the schoolyard were saying they had a move that would change the way people viewed the way they looked at us. This move did not have a name, it was just referred to as the "neck breaker". This move was so deadly that itwould take an oppenent out with one shot. both theram and steve both tried to master this move without suscess.
on a very hot day in june on the patio at school, steve and theram were both practicing there moves in front of many people, when a person from out oft he audience started to make remarks about wrestling, daying "everythign about wrestling was fake." Theram trying to prove him wrong put him in a piledriver type of move. The student got up dizzy from being held upside down for so long "saying i hardly felt a thing. Therum stared at steve and asked if he's been practicing the new move. steve said in a very scared voice "yes". Steve asked theram if he knew another move to do in fear of causing to much harm, Theram said, just hurt him a little.
With teachers and student alike watching in anticipation for what steve was about to do, they had no clue what they were about to witness.
Steve approaches the student and said, this will hurt a little, and without any reaction for the kid Steve unleashes a devistating kneck breaker. the poor bastard instantly started bleeding from the ears. The teachers all started yelling at steve, asking :what did you just do. the school nurse wasrushed to the scene of the fallin boy. Steve looked at Theram and asked what happend. Theram even looked shocked as to what just happend.
Late that day police cam and arrested steve and put him in a juevinile detention center where he was later diagnosed with skitzofrania from the tramatic expeierce that he had witnessed. Heaveily medicated steve often has flashbacks of his deeds and only blames Theram for his tormoil. For all he knows is that Theram should have known better then to request a friend to do such a mortal move.
Today Theram resides in the GEW, but what he doesnt relize is that his old school mate has just been signed and hes masterd this move, and it is now called the "overdose"
skitzofranic steve
skitzofranic steve
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Posts : 23
Join date : 2008-07-29
Age : 38
Location : tampa FL

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