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D''Key VS. Leon Heart

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D''Key VS. Leon Heart Empty D''Key VS. Leon Heart

Post by D''Key Fri Aug 01, 2008 9:47 am

D''Key enters the ring.Crowd begins to chant.''You suck,.....You suck,......You suck''!

''Im just few weaks in here, and you already hate me.Well that's fair , coz I HATE YOU too.Fans:''GO AWAY, GO AWAY''. '' As you all know, in the last show I defeated our beloved VGM Jaw Breaker. Yes, yes, I beated him good.But after our match, when I was going to my locker room someone attacked me from behind. And that someone was Leon Heart! So Leon, could you come to the ring, coz I want to BEAT THE HELL OUT OF YOU, right here, right now!NO one, I mean NO ONE will attack me from behid after I will crush your bones''.Fans:'' LE-ON,......LE-ON,......LE-ON''.

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Join date : 2008-07-21
Location : Lithuania

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D''Key VS. Leon Heart Empty Re: D''Key VS. Leon Heart

Post by Leon Heart Fri Aug 01, 2008 11:46 am

Leon arrives through the curtain, with mic in hand. He looks a little bemused at the crowds reaction

"D Key is it? Listen to me very carefully, for some reason your out here shooting you mouth of that I attacked you, well your not the only one to be over exercising their yap gland of late"

"There was that nosy reporter that I dealt with last week at the airport, and now Hillbilly Mike's been spouting off about me, apparantly he overheard my little altercation and now he is trying to find the truth..the truth?...Well Hillbilly here's some truth for you, your sister is really your mother and your father is also your uncle.."

Leon pauses for a second to take in the fans laughter

"But I will deal with him another day, lets get back to this strange chap in the ring..D Key", Leon shakes his head disparagingly at the thought of the name

""Listen D Key, I have no idea what you are on about, whoever did jump you from behind last week, must have scrambled your brains, but tell you what, I will do you a favour, i'm going to come to the ring and give you the beating of your life and maybe if your really lucky it will give you the return of your one brain cell back."

Leon drops the mic and heads to ringside.
Leon Heart
Leon Heart

Posts : 70
Join date : 2008-07-06

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