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Time's Up, Paulley! Empty Time's Up, Paulley!

Post by Wonderbread Tue Aug 05, 2008 8:00 pm

Wonderbread is walking around backstage carrying an antique pocket watch. He walks up to MR OK and looks at him in the eyes and then flips the cover off the pocket watch to reveal the face. Wonderbread looks at MR OK again and shakes his head 'no' and continues walking on leaving MR OK with a confused look on his face.

Wonderbread passes by Hillbilly Mike, Tony Atlas and yemen, each time giving each wrestler the once over before looking at his pocket watch, shaking his head and then moving on.

Wonderbread approaches the Gorilla position where Paulley is watching the current match on a monitor. Wonderbread, again, looks at Paulley and then his pocket watch, but this time as he closes the cover, he smiles.

Paulley: What are you smiling at?

Wonderbread: You're worth it.

Paulley: Huh? What are you talking about?

Wonderbread: I've been looking for somebody to fight, but haven't found anybody worthwhile. I was about to issue an open challenge, but lucky you, I've decided you're worth my time.

*Fade to black*

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Join date : 2008-07-18

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