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Post by Guest Fri Aug 08, 2008 11:41 pm

GEW is like that sweet 16 girl you spoke to at the local disco back in the days, who followed you home.
It will always have a special place.

But along with others, I pointed out what I felt were problems within the Fed to VGM's and the GM.
I can't say if I am in the right or wrong, in my point of view, but things had to come to an end.
And in the end, there was nothing to do but to tear up the contracts.
My time in GEW has ended for this time...


You ran a good Fed, you have great VGM's in Kal and Jaw. You had great rp'ers in Paulley, Leon, Yellow Girl, Xenu among others. Yet perhaps in my PoV your idleness, your lack of responce to the various complaints allowed the plague to fester within your Fed til the day most of the good people left.
If that changes, I'm not against coming back....

Chris XK:
You and I never did draw straight, and yes I did view you as one of the reasons GEW did suck in the end. Your constant ego boosting on behalf of the other wrestlers, the insults took its toll and made Wrestlers leave.
Can't say I'm sorry you lost your Fed, nor will I say I'm sorry I did ask if it was against the rules to draft Wrestlers from another Fed. So no need to point fingers at Hangman, since you banned me in -this- chat, I had no option but to turn to TWG chat and ask..and guess what...

Yellow Gir:
I'll let you know where I end up, keep in touch.....There are many good Fed's out there, that wants RP and Story Lines that is more then pawnage.

In the end...
I wish you all the very best, I hope you'll get GEW back on its feet and lift it to its former glory.


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Up up and away web... Empty Re: Up up and away web...

Post by chris x.k Sat Aug 09, 2008 2:45 am

El Lobo wrote:GEW is like that sweet 16 girl you spoke to at the local disco back in the days, who followed you home.
It will always have a special place.

But along with others, I pointed out what I felt were problems within the Fed to VGM's and the GM.
I can't say if I am in the right or wrong, in my point of view, but things had to come to an end.
And in the end, there was nothing to do but to tear up the contracts.
My time in GEW has ended for this time...


You ran a good Fed, you have great VGM's in Kal and Jaw. You had great rp'ers in Paulley, Leon, Yellow Girl, Xenu among others. Yet perhaps in my PoV your idleness, your lack of responce to the various complaints allowed the plague to fester within your Fed til the day most of the good people left.
If that changes, I'm not against coming back....
lol suits you to say your friends are the one who did the good RP in the fed lol nvm..

Chris XK:
You and I never did draw straight, and yes I did view you as one of the reasons GEW did suck in the end. Your constant ego boosting on behalf of the other wrestlers, the insults took its toll and made Wrestlers leave.
Can't say I'm sorry you lost your Fed, nor will I say I'm sorry I did ask if it was against the rules to draft Wrestlers from another Fed. So no need to point fingers at Hangman, since you banned me in -this- chat, I had no option but to turn to TWG chat and ask..and guess what...
your the lil bitch who snitch lol you lil ass hole

Yellow Gir:
I'll let you know where I end up, keep in touch.....There are many good Fed's out there, that wants RP and Story Lines that is more then pawnage.

In the end...
I wish you all the very best, I hope you'll get GEW back on its feet and lift it to its former glory.
wen ur gone it wil :)bye bye
chris x.k
chris x.k

Posts : 308
Join date : 2008-07-04

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