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PPV CAGE - IMM vs. Brett hart EmptySun Aug 10, 2008 9:23 am by chris x.k

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PPV CAGE - IMM vs. Brett hart EmptySat Aug 09, 2008 2:58 pm by brett the hitman hart

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PPV CAGE - IMM vs. Brett hart

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PPV CAGE - IMM vs. Brett hart Empty PPV CAGE - IMM vs. Brett hart

Post by Iron Masked Man Tue Jul 08, 2008 9:41 pm

brett the hitman hart known as the best there is the best there was and the best there ever will be the excellance of execution the hitman and my freinds these is not just a nick name this name was givin to me because i am the son of the legendary stu hart i am the creator of the sharpshooter and i am the best of all time and dont anyone for get it
IMM:Hmmph i already have brett
just as imm turns around brett picks up a 2 by 4
brett: hey iron man take a look at this
wacks imm with the 2 by 4
i bet you wont forget that
*wakes up* damnit i got attacked wut by though tht son of a B***H
*chases brett with a pocket ladder*
catches up with him
*hits him in the face*
u need to learn a little lesson revenge is best served my way lol
*takes a p!55 on brett*
later that day when imm is about to go home he looks at his car and it blows up
just then brett jumps him with a barbed wire chair a knocks him stone cold out
brett rips imm mask off and goes home with it
Brett:man that guy was ugly
*wakes up later that night*
*takes off another mask and another iron mask appears*
ugly mask gets thm all the time
*goes to bretts home knocks on the door*
brett opens the door IMM bursts through the door hit him in the gut with a midget in a bikini
IMM:thanks midget
midget:Anyime IMM
IMM:Brett pretty hot wife
IMM takes bretts body to the dump for the night goes back to brett's house and sleeps with his wife
brett's wife:Wow how about takin that mask off
IMM:No thanks i gotta go get ready for the show
brett's wife:come again sometime call me
IMM:i will (thinks to self) i wont
The Next Day
IMM:Look brett i like beating each other unconsious just as much as u do but i think we should have a match to end it once and for all i challenge you to a CAGE match *waits for brett to respond*
Iron Masked Man
Iron Masked Man

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PPV CAGE - IMM vs. Brett hart Empty Re: PPV CAGE - IMM vs. Brett hart

Post by brett the hitman hart Wed Jul 09, 2008 6:50 am

1. i enjoy betaing you unconcious to did my mom that was disgusting my wife was at the mall
and 3 is......hey wats that
*imm looks were brett points brett pulls out a lead pipe and wacks immm up side the head
Brett: and 3 is i accept oooo by the i dont know if you can hear me right now but i got a little suprise for you at the ppv
brett the hitman hart
brett the hitman hart

Posts : 87
Join date : 2008-07-06
Location : well i live in mich and i wreslte in cananda

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PPV CAGE - IMM vs. Brett hart Empty Re: PPV CAGE - IMM vs. Brett hart

Post by Iron Masked Man Wed Jul 09, 2008 8:40 am

IMM gets up pulls out a whip of barb wire goes over to brett *choke brett with the whip of barb wire*

IMM:1. i slept with both 2. you missed wrote three twice dumbass 3.i heard you dumbass
IMM:midget come over here
midget:ok IMM
*the midget beats brett with a table while IMM is choking him*
Announcer:whats this IMM and the midget are draggin brett to the announce table
*IMM removes the thing on top of the table the midget stands brett on top of it*
Iron Masked Man
Iron Masked Man

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PPV CAGE - IMM vs. Brett hart Empty Re: PPV CAGE - IMM vs. Brett hart

Post by chris x.k Wed Jul 09, 2008 9:19 am

Iron Masked Man wrote:IMM gets up pulls out a whip of barb wire goes over to brett *choke brett with the whip of barb wire*

IMM:1. i slept with both 2. you missed wrote three twice dumbass 3.i heard you dumbass
IMM:midget come over here
midget:ok IMM
*the midget beats brett with a table while IMM is choking him*
Announcer:whats this IMM and the midget are draggin brett to the announce table
*IMM removes the thing on top of the table the midget stands brett on top of it*
xk walk in the arena
xk: whats up with the midget
chris x.k
chris x.k

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PPV CAGE - IMM vs. Brett hart Empty Re: PPV CAGE - IMM vs. Brett hart

Post by Iron Masked Man Wed Jul 09, 2008 9:32 am

hahahaha hes a old friend of bretts or should i say a relative takin revenge on him i dont know this person would do this but he did

*midget reveals to be.......* find out soon
Iron Masked Man
Iron Masked Man

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PPV CAGE - IMM vs. Brett hart Empty Re: PPV CAGE - IMM vs. Brett hart

Post by brett the hitman hart Wed Jul 09, 2008 2:57 pm

just then a whole group of retired wreslter come in at the front is goldberge he he hits imm with a hardcorespear and hits the midget with a mortal jackhammerslam
brett:now just in case your wondering wat just happened to you can say you just got hit by a "mack" truck
*as brett is walking down the entrance ramp you see imm get beatin to a pulp
Brett:whispers to himself i got a few more suprises up my sleeve
brett the hitman hart
brett the hitman hart

Posts : 87
Join date : 2008-07-06
Location : well i live in mich and i wreslte in cananda

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PPV CAGE - IMM vs. Brett hart Empty Re: PPV CAGE - IMM vs. Brett hart

Post by Iron Masked Man Wed Jul 09, 2008 9:57 pm

later that day on GEW exclusive

IMM:i will now reveal the midgets identity i said that it was a relative to brett well now he is unconsious in the hospital the midget reveals to be .............. BRETT'S SON

you hit your own son with a jackhammer thats just wrong dude

i hope you are here because ive got a few people that want to meet you some friends from my child hood

*brett leave the building when he is jumped*
IMM:5 well known wrestlers today have jumped the so called hitman they are the animal batista,the doctor of thugonomics john cena,the phenom undertaker,chris jericho,and the ceribral assassin HHH i also brought a little some one for XK as a consolation prize in our match
*the legend killer randy orton knocks on XK's locker room door*
Randy Orton:I was asked to come here and see you by IMM
XK:Why exactly
Randy Orton:I dont kn...
*Randy Orton executes a CAREER FATAL RKO!!!*
IMM:Thanks Randy
Randy:its alright see ya
IMM:see ya How does it feel XK to be destroyed almost by your wrestling hero just wait ive got more for brett and you.
Iron Masked Man
Iron Masked Man

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Join date : 2008-07-06

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PPV CAGE - IMM vs. Brett hart Empty Re: PPV CAGE - IMM vs. Brett hart

Post by brett the hitman hart Wed Jul 09, 2008 10:31 pm

*imms phone rings and he picks up
imm:hello *burp*
Brett:ummmmmm yeaaaaaa about that midget son thing i think it was already done by some old guy on some not so well known wrestling show and just to let you know thats not my sone i only have 2 daughters
Midget:yea i kinda lied i just wanted to hit brett hart it was fun though long live canada
imm hits him with a gerney

Last edited by brett the hitman hart on Wed Jul 09, 2008 10:43 pm; edited 1 time in total
brett the hitman hart
brett the hitman hart

Posts : 87
Join date : 2008-07-06
Location : well i live in mich and i wreslte in cananda

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PPV CAGE - IMM vs. Brett hart Empty Re: PPV CAGE - IMM vs. Brett hart

Post by brett the hitman hart Wed Jul 09, 2008 10:33 pm

Brett:oooo one more thing have you seen this brett sticks up th middle finger imm just laughs and turns around
Stone cold:hi
later that day in the hospital some flowers arrive in imm with a note attached to it
it reads....

yoo imm wats sorry about that neck breaking thing i didnt know he would hit you that hard and about the flowers no homo it was my therapists idea shes smoking hot we get alot done in the meetings if you know wat i mean you should meet her its the least i could do shell be there in a while have fun
p.s i hope you get well in time for the ppv
-Brett Twisted Evil
brett the hitman hart
brett the hitman hart

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Join date : 2008-07-06
Location : well i live in mich and i wreslte in cananda

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PPV CAGE - IMM vs. Brett hart Empty Re: PPV CAGE - IMM vs. Brett hart

Post by Iron Masked Man Thu Jul 10, 2008 2:06 pm

*IMM sneaks up behind brett*

announcer:WHAT THE HELL he is with the WWE's best and most powerful wrestlers off all time Brock Lesnar,The Rock,John Cena,Kane,Undertaker,HBK,Jeff Hardy,Chris Jericho and Mankind
they all atack brett all using they most powerful finishers.

dude nice lie but that an IMM impersonatator dumbass and i read your resume it says single father to 2 daughters and 1 son dumbass
Iron Masked Man
Iron Masked Man

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PPV CAGE - IMM vs. Brett hart Empty Re: PPV CAGE - IMM vs. Brett hart

Post by brett the hitman hart Thu Jul 10, 2008 6:00 pm

brett just gets up dusts himself off walks up to all the wrestlers and says you guys suck is that all you got my daughters could hit harder than you infact ill show you losers hey girls come out here
*The two girls come out and get in the ring the wrestlers start laught but they stop when the girls start hitting them with chairs
Brett:now id like you to show me were I wrote that i had a son and dont lie
brett the hitman hart
brett the hitman hart

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Location : well i live in mich and i wreslte in cananda

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PPV CAGE - IMM vs. Brett hart Empty Re: PPV CAGE - IMM vs. Brett hart

Post by Iron Masked Man Thu Jul 10, 2008 6:40 pm

*IMM appears via satalite* hello brett how are you doing ok then i lied about you having a son but it was a diversion while i could get out side yor house now i know your wondering what im doing here well i had my helicopter drop gasoline all over your house and now time for the finishing touch *IMM lights a lighter a throws it on his house* i hope you didnt have a FIERY passion for your house
p.s there is more in stock for you.
Iron Masked Man
Iron Masked Man

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PPV CAGE - IMM vs. Brett hart Empty Re: PPV CAGE - IMM vs. Brett hart

Post by brett the hitman hart Thu Jul 10, 2008 9:26 pm

*while imm is in the ring brett appears in his house in canada which looks much bigger than his other one
he grins
brett:i dont know about you but us real wrestlers can afford more than one house and if you thought i could be cought with that school boy prank you were saddlly mistakin but hey you could always try again
brett the hitman hart
brett the hitman hart

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Location : well i live in mich and i wreslte in cananda

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PPV CAGE - IMM vs. Brett hart Empty Re: PPV CAGE - IMM vs. Brett hart

Post by Iron Masked Man Thu Jul 10, 2008 11:33 pm

dude i have to live in canada now because your house here is burnt that gonna cut into training time and now i know you have another house and i can afford way more than you on my contract Twisted Evil Twisted Evil
Iron Masked Man
Iron Masked Man

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PPV CAGE - IMM vs. Brett hart Empty Re: PPV CAGE - IMM vs. Brett hart

Post by brett the hitman hart Fri Jul 11, 2008 3:12 am

its true you may MAKE more money but you do not HAVE more money
brett the hitman hart
brett the hitman hart

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Location : well i live in mich and i wreslte in cananda

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PPV CAGE - IMM vs. Brett hart Empty Re: PPV CAGE - IMM vs. Brett hart

Post by Nick Dynamite Fri Jul 11, 2008 6:21 am

why dont you guys just end this stupid rivalry
or make it more realistic Wink
Nick Dynamite
Nick Dynamite

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PPV CAGE - IMM vs. Brett hart Empty Re: PPV CAGE - IMM vs. Brett hart

Post by Iron Masked Man Fri Jul 11, 2008 9:23 am

shut up Nick or ill kick your ass again
Iron Masked Man
Iron Masked Man

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PPV CAGE - IMM vs. Brett hart Empty Re: PPV CAGE - IMM vs. Brett hart

Post by Iron Masked Man Fri Jul 11, 2008 9:24 am

i do things im not proud of brett i do films Very Happy
Iron Masked Man
Iron Masked Man

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PPV CAGE - IMM vs. Brett hart Empty Re: PPV CAGE - IMM vs. Brett hart

Post by brett the hitman hart Fri Jul 11, 2008 11:45 am

brett the hitman hart
brett the hitman hart

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Location : well i live in mich and i wreslte in cananda

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PPV CAGE - IMM vs. Brett hart Empty Re: PPV CAGE - IMM vs. Brett hart

Post by Iron Masked Man Fri Jul 11, 2008 11:52 am

i think we've done enough Rping
Iron Masked Man
Iron Masked Man

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PPV CAGE - IMM vs. Brett hart Empty Re: PPV CAGE - IMM vs. Brett hart

Post by brett the hitman hart Fri Jul 11, 2008 11:53 am

you thiink put together weve got at least like 4 pages of stuff
brett the hitman hart
brett the hitman hart

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Location : well i live in mich and i wreslte in cananda

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PPV CAGE - IMM vs. Brett hart Empty Re: PPV CAGE - IMM vs. Brett hart

Post by Iron Masked Man Fri Jul 11, 2008 12:02 pm

true we might have lol
Iron Masked Man
Iron Masked Man

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PPV CAGE - IMM vs. Brett hart Empty Re: PPV CAGE - IMM vs. Brett hart

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