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Post by the hangman Sun Jul 06, 2008 10:24 am

If you have a problem please step in to my office and let me know whats wrong,
the hangman
the hangman
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Post by Kaluani Mon Jul 07, 2008 3:45 am

Kaluani knocks the door of the office, then enters.

"Hi there, hangman. You know, I am the last to mumble about little problems, i like to solve everything my own way first, but right now, we are in a pretty mess, aren't we?"

He steps further into the room and then takes a seat.

"You know, this new place we moved into is in a bad shape, isn't it? Actually, to be true, it is a mess.
I know everyone is working hard, and you know that especially I do also! But this place is a total mess. Look at the signs at the floors and stuff. They even misspelled "Devil's Revenge". If I were a newcomer in this fed and would walk thorugh this halls, I would take my backpack and run, if I can."

Kaluani rolls out a poster on the desk.
i am here to help Errors11

"Look, this is more red then everything else... - you could get the feeling some bad payed guy from deepest russia (no offense meant against russia!) made the descriptions of our rooms and floors."

Plain and simple. The old forum was ok, although there were little spelling errors, but this one's completly off limits. It looks like it was written from someone who has just started first grade school english. Especially funny if I think about XK mumbling about Razor's bad spelling. HIS forum definitly had less errors in the boards description! No one complains about one or two mistakes or pressing a wrong button one or two times in a long text, really, but this is just shit.)

Kaluani sighs.

"But that's not all. I know we are a wrestling fed and all, but then again we have some people around who are real troublemakers. It's not that I have anything against some tough fightback behind the scenes, but we simply have people who do not obey any rules."

(OOC: Also plain and simple here. There are some people who -so it seems to me- are here to simply and only destroy ongoing RP and do not obey to any existing rule of roleplay.
If you look -just one example- at this topic (we also have it in the new board, but every post copied by myself), you could plant it in a book for a perfect example of "how to destroy RP" or "bad RP".
Lobo tried to make up a cool idea for an RP, then everyone seems to jump in to participate in a two-person RP. Sure, you could do something like IMM did, but then make it with flair. The way he did it was just kindergarten-style. And broke several basic-RP-rules.
1) Don't act as another player, in this case: Yellow Girl.
2) If something happened to your char (in this case: GEtting unconscious), then life with it and simply wait for someone to "re-active" you. You cannot simply ignore the surrounding and say "oh, I awaken again!".
I made a topic regarding "How to RP" - not for nothing, dear friends. If you are not sure, then read that darn topic and at least TRY (!) to work with it. Yellow Girl did a good job in her way of answer, BTW.
I do not want to hang on in this one example, but it is the perfect one for what I mean to say. If we want to create something working, then we have to avoid such silly stuff like that.

I know I especially criticise two people here (XK for the spelling, IMM for the RP stuff), but it's not meant to attack or flame anyone. There are some more guys out there who should think about if they are mentioned in some way...
I thought a long time about posting this thread or letting it go like it is, and my solution is that I cannot let everything go it's flow.
And guys, don't even think about saying I would not be in a position of criticising anything! I work hard for this fed, the last show took me about 3 hours to create - not including any RP made in this board, only the show itself, with commentaries, pictures, and all that stuff.
I do this stuff for nothing, I invest part of my spare real time and I simply do not want to see everything going down the drain because of 4-5 stupid people who are hanging around here and find it funny to boycott people. Whatever you say, for heavens sake, if you want to, hate me, but the situation ATM is more then -in one word- SHIT.

The forum change is another good example. i myself was not even asked or told about a forum change in advance. it was simply made. I know, I know, I am not a GM of this fed, but hey, I am a VGM, and if something that big starts out, I think we should be asked (or at least know about), don't you think?

For now, I am just angry about everything is evolving and I know I am not the only one in this fed. Whatever the case, I am not the final word (that belongs to our GM), but I promise one thing: If nothing changes in the next weeks, I'll be out. That, so far, from my side. I am awaiting some answer in general, but whoever does not want to participate in this thread will know why he doesn't...)

Kaluani stands up, sighs once more then sketches a little bow before the hangman.

"Know what? In the last weeks we advanced to a cliff, and everyday, we went a step forward towards the downfall. Right now, we're standing at the edge. Do you want to take the last step?"

Last edited by Kaluani on Mon Jul 07, 2008 2:54 pm; edited 1 time in total

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i am here to help Empty Re: i am here to help

Post by chris x.k Mon Jul 07, 2008 4:11 am

i typed fast that why and u work on it for 6 hours and i do know english i have speling problems but Razor right it all wrong the sentances are not right at all
If you want some rivality just write here!In this way you will obtain matches and storylies!

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chris x.k
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i am here to help Empty Re: i am here to help

Post by Kaluani Mon Jul 07, 2008 5:28 am

Hi !

ok, I didn't want to go so deep into detail, but it seems there's no other solution.
*sighs again*

As I alredy mentioned:

I know Razor did some mistakes. But first off, they were little and -main point here- much less then those we have here. If the spelling of Razor's board would to be graded it would get something around a 6/7 out of 10 points, this one would have maximum 3.

2) If you're such a pro, then why is every damn sentence you write a hell to read? It's not only about writing fast, I also write fast and stuff. If I know I do so, I check my spelling afterwards and that only needs seconds to correct. Goddammit, I have people in my own board who are dyslexic and even they manage to do better because they check their stuff after writing! Can't be that hard.
And hell, If I write like that in a chat, no one cares. Even if you write down a fast RP or "pwnage" thread like this, no problem. But if you write stuff like a description of board that everyone has to read over and over, a description that is the first a newcomer gets to see of this fed, you should put a bit more effort in it.
It's just about the fact if you care about it or not. And if you take a look at the very first sentence of your post, then you should deeply think about what you wrote afterwards...

3) Stop mumbling. I already set up two forums my own (in German language, but nevertheless) and I know it's hard work. And be assured, both didn't take me 6 hours and had less errors then this one has. (although, for sure, my native language is easier to speak for me then english is for both us, probably.)
I know that mistakes happen, and no one even cares about in the first run. But why didn't you correct them until now - it's not that nobody told you. (edit says: Some things were changed, I didn't see that earlier on!)
I tried to do it myself, but I can't find a function for it. Oh, and BTW, it is an official forum, but not an offical one.

4) Do you yourself believe in your excuses?
I think not, because if you would, you would first of all changed the mistakes by now (see above) and you would not try to to bring the fault over to someone else. No matter how bad Razor's spelling was, your's is not better, just to not say the word "worse".
Stop blaming others, start to work out your own problems and everything would be fine. It's not bad to make a fault or error and no one will do you any harm for it, but real men's strength shows in accepting his faults and work to do it better next time.

5) This was not only meant as a statement towards your direction. We have other people whose posts you nearly do not understand, but at least they did not say "hey, lemme vrit da neauw bourd."
If I take responsibility for something (e.g. creating a board for other people), then I have to do it the best way I can.
Those other guys are also people I mentioned with that first post.
But after all, beeing active and writing bad stuff is still better then beeing not active. As you well may notice, we often use your RP - that's for sure not for no reason.
We use every RP we can get, but would be happy to have even more!

But hey, if you are now still angry or mad about me, just keep cool and be happy about everything, best to say it's all my fault because I get to hang myself about such misspellings and then say the VGM Kaluani there overreacts and you're rid of me in less then a month, all your problems solved.

the only thing it's sad about is because we have some real good RP-people around who do a very good work (Paulley, Leon Heart, El lobo, Snake for example!) and we have some very nice and cool people who try to get a start-up here and who do also do good work in that so far (just to mention a few who came into my mind first: Daxx with his cool video and Yellow Girl with his/her first steps into the fed and RP-ing. Keep active and going, you two - and all the other too!).
But if you're unsure and do not exactly know what to do, the situtation ATM will not help you very far, it will more or less bring you to stop RP-ing in general and fall into a state of "do nothing", because all the others suceed with that tactic !

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Post by chris x.k Mon Jul 07, 2008 6:58 am

like it or not this is where we stand, so unless ur not helping fixing things u can just be quiet i am not trying to be an ass but ur pissing me off
and u have AMDIN Rights so USE IT!
chris x.k
chris x.k

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i am here to help Empty Re: i am here to help

Post by Kaluani Mon Jul 07, 2008 2:06 pm

Hi !

AAh, I finally found that admin button. I fixed all the errors I coudl find, fixed the permission rights (everyone should be able to post everywhere now).

Although, I am no native speaker - could one of those do me a favor and have s short look if there's still something wrong (Paulley, Leon?)

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Post by Paulley Mon Jul 07, 2008 2:28 pm

I have sent you some suggestions Kaluani, hope it helps.

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i am here to help Empty Re: i am here to help

Post by Theram Mon Jul 07, 2008 2:34 pm

i just want to say that make a good RP is not easy then english is not your first or second language the best example is what you mentioned few peoples how many of them speak english every day ?
i think most have good ideas but its hard to realize it then you don`t know how to spell every word correctly so i sometimes change them to easy ones yes and sometimes it looks like "I apple eat"

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Post by Paulley Mon Jul 07, 2008 2:45 pm

lol i think there is a little leeway when it comes to actual RP but for presentation of the actual webspace needs to correct... most RP and many of the computer generated stuff is no always correct but people can live with a few mistakes.. in anycase for RP you can always incorporate it into your character i.e. your character is foreign and is only learning the language so they may not speak it exactly right all the time.

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Post by Kaluani Mon Jul 07, 2008 2:49 pm

Hi !

Yes, that's clear Theram. I don't want that to end, we have many people whose spelling is not that and whose RP is still used (and we're happy they participate), like you or brett for example.

That's not a problem. I worry more about people coming here and seeing the bad shape of the board (most should be fixed by now).
And regarding what I said about the bad RP - that was not a thing of sole miss-spelling, this was simply ignoring all rules that exist for roleplay.

Paulley has a good example there, El lobo is using that in perfect Smile

I used most of them, thanks so far. Smile

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Post by Theram Mon Jul 07, 2008 3:03 pm

i just want to say that even if i have a good idea its hard to realize it of language barrier if you don`t know the word or don`t know how to spell it so sometimes you you are writing and writing and when you look at it your self and start reading what you wrote and cant get the point what you wrote you just delete it and then writing something like "i came kick ass i leave" its easy to write Smile well i hope you got the point what i try to say

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Post by Leon Heart Mon Jul 07, 2008 5:40 pm


Thank you!, Thank you!, Thank you! This site was making my eyes bleed!

I am so glad it has been changed because I was seriously thinking I could not RP here and may have to look elsewhere!

BTW I like the new logo!

Theram - I think you have a pretty good grasp on the English language Wink
Leon Heart
Leon Heart

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Post by Leon Heart Mon Jul 07, 2008 5:58 pm

p.s - two really small things, 'Mangement & Staff'- should be Management & Staff, also competition is currently spelt competiton under the Feuds banner.
Leon Heart
Leon Heart

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Post by Kaluani Tue Jul 08, 2008 4:58 am

Done. Thanks Smile

Oh, and would have been a shame to loose your RP Wink

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Post by Nick Dynamite Tue Jul 08, 2008 6:41 am

when i first returned to this fed i was like "what the fuck happened her it looks like it was written by some retarded monkey" so what im trying to say is kaluani is right
Nick Dynamite
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i am here to help Empty Re: i am here to help

Post by the hangman Tue Jul 08, 2008 6:52 am

yes it does need work i am trying to solve it but it may take a little time
the hangman
the hangman
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Post by Kaluani Tue Jul 08, 2008 7:43 am

Well, by now I think we have fixed most of the errors, so this part should be settled and done.

which only leaves the other part regarding the RP and rules, but right now I don't feel motivated enough to do this. Later, or if someone else wants to take first steps towards that direction, feel free to do so.

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i am here to help Empty Re: i am here to help

Post by Leon Heart Tue Jul 08, 2008 3:26 pm


Whilst I hate censorship, the only thing that makes sense is if any posts do not follow the RP rules they are deleted, otherwise it is just going to continue...

Hopefully people will get bored of seeing their posts deleted and try to respect and follow the rules.
Leon Heart
Leon Heart

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Post by Iron Masked Man Tue Jul 08, 2008 9:04 pm

yeah leon bad boy go do drugs now i joke leon or do i Suspect
Iron Masked Man
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Post by chris x.k Wed Jul 09, 2008 12:30 am

jess IMM ur mouth is biger than queen latifa's ass lol

u talk to much Razz
chris x.k
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Post by Leon Heart Wed Jul 09, 2008 1:48 am

edited - I just can't be bothered with it all
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Post by Iron Masked Man Wed Jul 09, 2008 8:17 am

yes i do xk or do i Suspect
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Post by dabest Mon Jul 14, 2008 2:49 pm

Also 'Jobber' is spelt as 'Jober' here
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Post by Iron Masked Man Mon Jul 14, 2008 7:28 pm

does it matter lol you know what it means
Iron Masked Man
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i am here to help Empty hi hangman

Post by die Thu Jul 17, 2008 9:40 am

yeah hangman i just wanted to know when i was going to debut and against who? thats all because your probably busy.

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